Thursday, March 29, 2007
12:39 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Come and Go.
12:47 AM
Monday, March 12, 2007
No words can describe my emotions.
No words can describe the time i had at OBS.
Words don't do justice,
at all.
11:17 PM
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Day 1:Day 1 was quite slack (: we reached there and one of the gay (okay not really GAYGAY but you get what I mean :D) instructors said he'll give us a task. lol and that was to make our way up to the MPH, multi purpose hall. lol -.- so anyway yes we accomplished the task! :D and we made it up there. and so we went into our groups and omcrap the tag we were sitting behind wrote "Sui Sen"! and i was like omcrap wth go for OBS also need to be reminded about susie -.- hahaha yes because they sound alike =/ Sui Sen. Susie. Hahahaha. but yay they made a mistake :D our group name was supposed to be Elizabeth Choy! :D
Then we met our instructors! TRACY! <3 (omg im going to kill blogger already. I just typed so much stuff and I just bolded and underlined the word Day 2 and everything disappeared. Wtf -.- so yes im blogging all over again and now I can’t remember what I blogged … I swear I’m going to start typing in Word before I copy and paste onto blogger from now on!) So we introduced ourselves to each other, our names etc. And then we had to surrender our stuff! E.g. Handphone, Wallet, Food (ohman my fruitplus and sarah’s seaweed D: ), medication etc.! I initially didn’t want to surrender my food one lor ): but she said something that made me feel damn guilty so I decided to surrender my sweets ): hahaha sarah too! Lol :D
Then it was time for Activities! (: KAYAKING! I swear I love kayaking! <3 Tracy taught us how to choose our kayaks. Basically to just make sure that they didn’t have holes so water won’t go in and we won’t sink. Next, she introduced the kayak parts to us and the terms used for Kayaking. Then we had to carry the kayaks to the shore before she taught us how to paddle! She taught us all the strokes for paddling, how to capsize and how to rescue people who have capsized! :D It was damn fun!
Heh then we all had to practice capsizing once. And have a taste of how it is like to be out at sea (: We didn’t go too deep at first; deep enough to capsize. After everyone finished practicing how to capsize, she taught us how to rescue our watchmates when they capsize! :D hahahha. After that, she brought us out deeper into the sea! (: to have a gist of what it feels like to be in deeper waters.
At first I was really quite nervous because our kayak kept feeling like it was going to capsize! Yes it was really quite shaky. But I think it was because we were both quite nervous and so the boat shaked. Lol mental state affects your physical body (: After getting used to it, we calmed down and the kayak didn’t shake that much (: Which was really good. Hahahah actually we were supposed to practice capsizing one more time out in the bigbig sea and rescuing capsized people but Bianca and I didn’t feel like at first =/ so we were like paddling everywhere :D
Then we suddenly heard someone shout HELP! And we looked around and spotted Siew Ying and Tian Hui! They capsized! And at first we thought they purposely capsized. Hahahaha. So we were like saying jokingly “We are here to rescue you!” Something along that line ._. I can’t exactly remember the exact phrase. And so we did save them (: And it was only after rescuing them that we realised that they didn’t capsize on purpose :O they capsized accidentally lah :O but I cant remember the full story so too bad (: hahahaha! Oh and so when they capsized, their waterbottles capsized together with them lah! HAHAHAH. So me and Bianca went scouting for their waterbottles (: and Yay we found them! (: hahahah!
And I swear the water had LOTS of gross jellyfishes floating around! Tracy said it was the jellyfish season D: me and Bianca saw one which was at least 30cm long lah. And we were super freaked out =/and we subsequently saw many more in various sized. Oh then when Tian Hui and Siew Ying capsized, Bianca saw a jellyfish behind Tian Hui and she actually wanted to say but decided not to scare TIan Hui lest she stated panicking and it’ll just make the situation even worse D: But luckily the jellyfish didn’t sting her (: and it was fine (:
Oh then after that Tracy asked Bianca and I if we finished capsizing already =/ and we were like No D: so we had to do it afterall ): so we went to look for a place without jellyfishes in sight D: and okay so we capsized. And omg when we measure the depth of the water it was fine lor! But then after we capsized I could actually touch the sand lah! Lol. But we didn’t knock anything (: emptying the kayak of the water in the sea was fun man (: so was pulling it up on the rescuer’s boat, and flipping it over so that we could get in again (: haha then after me and Bianca got up, our shoes were super muddy because yes, we were literally stepping on mushy mud/sand, whichever it is ._.
After everyone finished capsizing once more and saving at least one kayak, we went back to shore and beached up! And we emptied our kayaks of water :D and laid them on the floor, slightly flipped over, side by side.
Then it was dinner/bathtime.
And we had a small discussion.
And it was lights out.
Day 2:We had team-building games today! :D They were quite fun and I think E.C. really bonded and communicated quite well with each other! Especially for the plank game! Although Marshall didn’t win but we all could tell that they were already trying their best so, thumbs up to them too! :D As long as we all try and put in our very best, it’s fine. Because then, we won’t feel disappointed in ourselves or regret.
Neither should we be shortchanging or discounting others. It’s veryvery bad. We should be giving others our encouragement, to spur them on, to let them know that they can do even better than they are already doing. That’s the reason why we signed the contract Tracy read out to us on the first night. If we signed it, we should be keeping to it. Breaking the contract is akin to betraying and lying to yourself. It’s quite evident that some people just sign the contract for the sake of signing without really taking the content in with great detail, and keeping to it as much as possible. It’s just really disappointing to know that there are actually people among us who actually are THAT proud to say such stuff. Really, I think those people need to start doing reflecting, on themselves. It gets annoying, okay. If you’re always putting your bloody nose up in the air, you’ll never be able to see how far others are ahead of you and then you won’t be able to catch up with them; you can’t even see them. NEVER EVER SHORTCHANGE OTHERS.
After team-building games, it was high elements. We learnt how to belay first. It’s not easy to belay lor. Damn hard to pull the string taut lah D: but it was quite fun too! (: When I was the climber I was kind of scared when I took the last step =/ I was so afraid of slipping and falling. But I knew I had to trust my belayer --- Si Jia. Because she was the one and only one I could trust then. So yes, I hung on tight to the wooden plank and waited till I could finally fall :D Oh and I swear the harness hurts D: and yes it’s damn uncomfortable when you come down D:
After practicing belaying, it was time to climb the Indiana. Omcrap I swear it was damn high okay. It was super scary, just looking up at the whole thing D: But I didn’t get a chance to climb it because it was raining and there was lightning so we all had to go into shelter. Before that it was all passing rain without lightning. Then suddenly thunder came and Iskandar and Tracy asked us to go in. Which was quite disappointing because I don’t get a chance to actually feel what it is really like to be up there ): but Bianca was damn happy. She kept praying that it’d rain and it really did lah omg!
I didn’t get to belay because we were split into four group in each watch. So groups A and B went first. And I was in group C with Bianca (purposely one). And so groups C and D had to do some gay treasure hunt game to while away time. But we finished it super fast and soon we were back at the Indiana ship looking at them belay. Oh then I helped Mina belay too! (: Hahaha I swear the rope was damn rough and poor mina was trying reallyreally hard and using all her strength to keep the rope taut so that trishy wishy is safe. So I went to lighten her load and helped her pull! :D It was quite fun actually :D but just that the rope was so rough that my skin started hurting after a while =/and yes because I kept gripping the rope so tightly, my knuckles started hurting. So Bianca took over for a while before I switched back again! It was basically quite fun (: so we actually still got a chance to belay ABIT (other than practice) because of mina! :D hhahahaha! Thanks mina LOL :D
So as I said, it started raining WITH LIGHTNING so we all had to go under shelter. And start packing for trekking -.- omcrap lah -.- Our bloody backpacks were so bloody heavy okay. Although it was only like 25 minutes I swear I was already dying from the weight D: it was such a struggle for all of us! So we were al thinking about what will happen to us the next day when we’ll be going backpacking for like 4 hours +++++ around Pulau Ubin for like around 8km! D: we decided that this would be a preparation for us; to let us have a gist of what it’ll feel like the next day, so that we’ll be more mentally prepared to face what’s in front of us the next day because it definitely won’t be easy, at all! And I knew very well where to get my strength and wisdom to go and and strive from (: I knew it all along, it has always been in my heart.
Oh man Camp 2 looked like a concentration/jail/army camp lah. It was super depressing. You just need to take a look around the whole camp and you just suddenly feel a wave of depression sweep over you! ): We only spent one night there though. There were wild dogs! But they didn’t attack us. They just wanted food. Hahaha.
Today was the first night whereby we cooked outdoors. Tracy taught us how to cook using the mess tins, how to open the canned food, how to manage our trash etc.! Then, we started cooking (: Food tasted reallyreally good because we were the ones who cooked it! :D YUMMY :D we had a good meal (:
Oh then it was shower time. Today’s shower time was the funniest shower I’ve ever had in my life okay. Omgoose lah. Details shan’t be exposed due to private reasons :D unless you’re my super good friend then you can ask me/Bianca/Lianghui personally for the story (:
Lights out.
Day 3:Today killed me. It totally did. We went trekking with those super heavy bags and I was carrying the tent okay. It was bloody heavy like nobody’s shit business. And we carried it for four hours straight. Through all those turns, the amount of decisions we had to make, the wrong mistakes we made and the hints Tracy gave us when we were really unsure about ourselves, we made it to the campsite! The campsite where we won’t be able to bathe D: It was really gross.
I carried the backpack until there were abrasions on my shoulders lah ): Damndamndamn pain. Me and Lianghui. The straps of the backpack just kept moving my shirt and my shirt kept rubbing my shoulders and then friction caused abrasions D: I sweated damn a lot okay. My whole back was soaked D: It was super disgusting and gross.
Trekking really drained so much of my energy that my brain was already dead by the time they asked us to do the raft activity. I couldn’t concentrate on the rope thingy, nothing went into my head. I was just looking. And looking. And nothing more than that okay. My brain just died from all the backpacking. I was just looking at Siying tie and I was trying to absorb as much as I could after a while. And oh yes I finally did but I was still dead. Haha.
So we built the raft. It ALMOST passed okay ): We were so damn sad. We (basically me, Bianca, lianghui, sarah, Yihong!) were so enthu and high when we were publicising/advertising our product to the two clients (Tracy and Iskandar) lah! Lol we were super mad lah. We just started talking rubbish =/ which totally didn’t make sense. Hahahahah everything was said for the sake of saying at least something! HAHAHAHA damn crap lah.
Although both watches, Marshall and Elizabeth failed the raft tests, Tracy and Iskandar still let us have a Quarry Dip! Omcrap I tell you the dip was SUPERBLY TERRIFIC!!!!!!! I felt sooooo fresh after that (: not to mention, clean! HAHAH and sarah was damn funny. She was like, “I scrubbed my hair in the quarry okay!” LOL. Yihong was damn funny too lah! She didn’t want to go out! not like any one of us there wanted to go out but she jumped in first so it’s just natural for her to go out first :D I swear YiHong’s damn amusing lah! HAHAHA! Whenever I talk to her or look at her I’ll just start laughing. It’s more of me actually, not her =/ It’s the same case for Sarah too. I just need to look at her and I’ll start laughing! That’s why I cant sit opposite her during lunch =/ I have to sit beside her. HAHAHAHA.
After Quarry Dip, we went back to our tents. And guess what. Our bags were infested with ants. Why? because someone left the digestive biscuits open. And although it was already finished, there were still crumbs inside so obviously the ants were attracted to it! So we all took out EVERYTHING in our backpacks and our sleeping group, mine inclusive of Bianca, Sarah, Lianghui, Ying Ling and Si Jia, decided to dump everything in our bags into the tent. And that was then that I realised that there were rotten apples in my bag D: It was damn gross =/ Lol! So obviously I didn’t put it inside the tent -.- it’d be plain dumb to do so. Oh yah. We still had to change anyway because we were WET. So we changed in the tent. Bianca changed first. Then when we were waiting for Bianca to change, Tracy was like saying that two people can change at one time. Then Lianghui trotted along while me and Sarah were going to change and she came in too ._. Lol okay the details won’t be exposed (: but it was super funny. Because we were laughing super a lot, Bianca was outside and she was asking us to shut up (again!)! HAHAHHAA.
After that, we realised that there were ants in our tents too D: like wtf even our tents are ant infested lah -.- But it was time to cook so we went to the beach (if it is even a beach…) Our jerry cans haven’t arrived yet so we borried Kurt and Marshall’s jerry cans for a while. The wind was super strong our lighters kept going out and we couldn’t light anything. the stupid wind spoiled my lighter okay -.- and I think it spoiled Lydia’s lighter too D: then there was only one more working lighter. Like thank goodness there’s still one more working lighter! Our group (Bianca, Lianghui, Si Jia) started cooking first and Sarah’s group came trotting along and they couldn’t light their solid fuel D: they tried to steal some fire from us but they failed because the fire was super big and the wind kept blowing it around so they were at risk of being burnt D: then Tracy came along and helped us cook our stuff (: Just like how Iskandar came along and helped Marshall cook their stuff too. it was so much easier with the instructor’s help! Yeah so cooked all our food together and started sharing together (: But today’s food seemed a bit little. I also don’t know why. The curry chicken was super hot I couldn’t take it D: Lol. And I told you the Campbell soup didn’t have enough water! It was super salty okay -.- but err nevermind lah we still ate it all up. Our group’s globby (:
Then we cleaned all our stuff! I am pro at compressing the cans :D :D :D It’s damn fun too! I swear lianghui is damn dumb lah -.- she tried to step on them on SAND?!?!??! -.- seriously, there’s no cure for her lah. Hahaha. We washed all our stuff using seawater. So obviously it wasn’t exactly very effective and all our stuff was still oily. Especially our mess tins D: and forks and spoons. Damn oily! Speaking of which, I don’t know where my fork and spoon went. HAHAHAHA. Either with Bianca or lianghui. I think we managed our trash quite well (:
After cleaning our cooking stuff, we went to sleep! And yes, we were sleeping with ANTS. They were biting all of us all over lah. So sarah had this super GREAT idea of sleeping with our legs in the air (: I did that for like five minutes and I decided to put my legs down -.- HAHAHA gay lah! But I fell asleep quite fast. But before I fell asleep, I was laughing quite a lot =/ Especially when Sarah was sleeping beside me -.- I only calmed down after a while D: hahahaha! We all fell asleep quite fast (: Only one person didn’t. Lianghui. -.- She only slept for like two hours the whole night. And she was so jealous of the rest of us (: she was like “are you all awake?” and no one replied her :D :D :D hahahaha then in the middle of the night, Indian music started playing. But we were all sleeping, except lianghui :D The rest of us only woke up a bit later. Like two hours after the Indian music started playing. And guess what. She thought that the instructors were trying to test us?! And she started counting the number of songs … like what the -.- when the music started, she was like “Eh the music’s damn cool hor.” And no one replied her, again. HAHAHAHAHHAHA DAMN SAD CASE LAH. And she kept scratching -.- she scratched so much her legs were so damn red lah. Oh then me and Sarah went out of the tent to see who the hell was playing the music. It was super loud lah. It was the kelong people -.- Seriously I think they were either having a party in the middle of the night or karaoke -.- lianghui even said she heard them play qing fei de yi, the techno Indian version ._. lol Ying Ling said she heard it too. No, I didn’t hear it because I was DEEP ASLEEP (:
Okay so we couldn’t do anything about the music and we went back to sleep… except lianghui (: she only fell asleep after the music stopped. And I think that was three plus because we woke up at like 530? And according to her, she only slept for two hours. Yeah :D lol damn sad lah. HAHAH loser :D
Day 4:We woke up and realised our trash was filled with ants. Yes it was ant infested -.- once again. Which also meant that the ants crawled up my group’s tent. Because we hung the trash on our tent D: damn gross =/ we took it down and ants were crawling out and all over the place. We tried to dowse them with water but it didn’t work. There were too many of them. More and more just kept crawling out D: we ignored it and decided to wait till Tracy came and ask her what to do about it.
So we packed our bags and un-pitched the tents. Then Tracy came at about 630. then she told us to wrap it in another plastic bag. So she got us a garbage bag (: and we tied it onto one of the walking sticks. After we kept all the groundsheets and tarp, we set off back to camp 1! :D
It was so much easier trekking back to camp 1. because sarah, Bianca, lianghui and I were talking! Omcrap it reallyreally took my mind off the load on my shoulders okay (: and we had so much fun talking about it! Our topics were all so interesting and amusing and funny :D hahahahah and it wasn’t long till we reached camp 1! :D
Then it was time for sea expedition! I love kayaking <3 kayaking rocks (: its damn fun :D I think Bianca and I did quite well! We could steer the kayak quite well (: we kayaked for like 10km lah! But it wasn’t THAT tiring. I think trekking with those damn heavy backpacks was even worse D: I prefer kayaking (: after a while, my arms became numb, which was good because I could kayak even harder than I did before because I couldn’t feel any pain anymore. I think M.E. (Marshall Elizabeth) did very well (: we kept quite together! Although the current was really quite strong, and from time to time, there were waves coming in.
But our kayaks were even shakier than it was on Monday. I think it was because the current was a lot stronger. But I calmed down quite fast. Bianca was damn nervous D: But if you really calm yourself down, you’ll feel that the kayak doesn’t shake that much. After all, our mental state really affects your physical state! Oooo there weren’t as many jellyfishes as Monday though (: But I saw one. Oh make that two. Because Tracy picked one up before we started kayaking. It was super near the shore, when we were just about to leave and kayak. Yeah it was super close to us and it’d be damn dangerous because it’ll sting us D: so she moved it away (: jellyfishes are GROSS. I hate jellyfishes D: they stung Si Jia and Yi Hong on Monday lah D: stupid jellyfishes -.-
There were a lot of rocks and stuff. We had to keep away from the rocks, channels, buoys and kelongs because they had ropes attached to them and if we paddled too close to them, our paddles might get stuck in their ropes D: it’s damn dangerous D: so yeah. We had to make sure that when we went between two thingies, for example between a rock and kelong etc., the whole group could go through it too. especially the side kayaks. If not they’ll knock into those stuff D: damn scary lah!
But. We still made it through (: we all did! 10km! :D I really felt so accomplished :D hahaha then after that Bianca’s tan line was super obvious D: because we all wore long sleeved shirts and long pants. So the sleeve ended at around her wrist there and it was soooooo obvious D: mine wasn’t (: I think I only got a bit darker lah! LOL. I was still like tofu. HHAHHAHA. Especially my legs because everytime we went into the sun we were all wearing long pants. Lol. So my legs didn’t get tanned! Lol. Oh but kayaking screwed my knees ): they hurt so bad ): especially when I’m walking down slopes or stairs. So Tracy asked me not to carry the kayaks. It got better after a while but it still hurt. Oh and my throat was hurting quite bad after kayaking =/ because it was so hard to communicate on sea we all had to start shouting ): especially when it was so dangerous, and I was so worried that the other kayaks would knock into stuff D: it was really very scary and we kept drifting apart so we had to really scream to make sure that everyone was really together. And somemore we didn’t get much time to really stop and drink water because the waves and current was so strong, if we just stopped paddling, our kayaks would just start drifting! D:
After kayaking, we had a group circle. And we ate :D then the four leaders were made to say what they felt about kayaking. Then when Yi Hong (navigator!) started talking, I suddenly started laughing =/ not to be mean or anything but the image of her with the orange peel in her nose suddenly appeared in my mind! I’m so sorry but I really couldn’t control my laughter ): then after that I started crying =/ seriously I don’t know why too D: but I suddenly thought about the fact that OBS was going to end reallyreally soon ): then everyone was like super duper shocked. Because I was really like half laughing half crying lah.
Then we got a reward! And that was jetty jump. At first I didn’t want to jump because the water stank D: but I still did anyway. Then Iskandar was telling us how to jump and stuff. Then he suddenly went, “Before you jump, shout what you’ll miss about OBS.” Then he jumped. And he shouted “you all!” I think. If I didn’t remember wrongly. And then I started tearing. Omcrap lah ): I didn’t want to ): then lianghui saw me tearing and she started tearing too ): so we were like total idiots. And everyone thought we were crying because we were scared of jetty jump but no that wasn’t the real case. It wasn’t D: So after a while we cooled down. And obviously our eyes were super red. Then before we jumped, Tracy saw my eyes and she was like “Do you know that your eyes are very red?” hahaha I think she thought something went into my eyes because she looked kind of worried. And then I started tearing again =/ ohman D: and she was like “Do you want to compose yourself first?” I think she thought that I was crying because of jetty jump too ):
Then I jumped. And I got super emotional. The jump felt good. But climbing up the ladder was scary =/ it was damn high =/ and I didn’t know how to get back up there ): but someone helped me! I cant remember who it was. I think it was sarah. I can’t remember lah! =/ yeah and it was actually quite okay climbing up after that. Then I actually wanted to wait for Bianca to jump first because she took quite long to jump =/ I think she was scared so she had to mentally compose herself first ): BUT SHE STILL JUMPED! And yes, I’m so proud of her! :D :D :D :D SHE DID IT! She conquered her fear! (: But I couldn’t be with her in the water ): because the person before me climbed up already so I had to climb up ): yeah but she climbed up soon after (: and we helped her up too! hahaha Yay Bianca (: At least now you won’t regret (: I wanted to jump another time but they didn’t let D:
Then we went to bathe :D the seawater at the jetty stinks lah D: smells like dead fish can. Damn smelly D: even after I rinsed my clothes with water D: thank goodness I wore my swimming costume inside :D I took damn long to bathe =/ sarah lianghui and Bianca had to wait for me D: but I think Lianghui went back first because she hasn’t packed her bag yet while the rest of us already did. Lol. Then when I came out Huiying was outside too lah! I can’t remember if Kristie was there. HAHA. oops! Yeah so then we left the bathroom :D felt so clean! :D
Oh then we had another group discussion/circle. and we wrote on the journal cards again (: I didn’t have enough space on my journal card D: so I summarized a lot a lot a lot and I wrote super small and the spaces in between my lines were super small too D: so basically the whole card was damn cramped up and messy! Hahaha. Ohwell! Then after that Tracy asked us to share our thoughts/what we learnt over the past few days. Omcrap when Ann Jie talked about her thoughts and said that she was very touched, I started tearing again ): lianghui too! thank goodness I wasn’t alone.
Then we had to clear the store and tents. Tracy said that she’ll be checking the tents tonight because the little kiddies who will be camping at East Coast next week needed it. So we had to clean the tents by tonight for her to check. Apparently after the tent people cleaned the tents, the tents were still dirty. One still had lots of sand inside, another had lots of ants inside and I can’t remember about the last one. So Tracy said that we’ll have to wake up early tomorrow to clean the tents again. If the tent that has ants still has ants the next morning, then we’ll have to drown the ants by soaking the whole tent in water.
Then it was bedtime! They were nice today and let us sleep in the MPH. No tents. We were just sleeping on ponchos. And using ponchos to cover ourselves. It was super cold okay. I was totally freezing. So in the middle of the night I pulled the poncho from lianghui. Then Sarah and Bianca was freezing too. But hey I didn’t know okay. And they didn’t pull the poncho from me and I was sleeping so how would I know that they were feeling cold too. and when I woke up, they were asleep what. So anyway in the middle of the night Sarah woke up and I woke up too. Then I turned my head and I saw her then I raised the poncho, meaning to ask her if she wanted it because I didn’t want to talk and wake everyone up. Yeah then she and Bianca took it.
Then we all went back to sleep.
Day 5:We woke up at 530 because our tents needed checking again and we needed to pack our own bags too. Stupid Sarah (wow alliteration) and Bianca didn’t want to wake up lah! -.- Bianca woke up before Sarah did so she didn’t get smacked by me. Sarah refused to wake up so I smacked her ass super duper hard! LOL. and she FINALLY got up! -.- my knees felt much better but it still hurt when I walked down slopes/stairs so I couldn’t walk too fast.
Tent people didn’t soak the ants tent in water lah. It’s like, instructions have already been given and all they had to do was follow instructions and they couldn’t even do that properly. The instructor’s will know what to do after that so you really don’t have to worry. And besides, lianghui already told one of you what will happen after soaking the tents. And that person forgot. Sigh. But nevermind. Could tell Tracy was quite pissed but she was trying to control. Ohwell. We still have to soak the tents after that and yes they finally did and sunned it.
We had P.T. again. Hahahaha. My knees were feeling quite okay so I could do jumping jacks (: damn fun! I counted damn super loudly. Me and lianghui. Hahaha. Enthu what! Morning exercise and morning circle always make me high (: a good start to the day! :D UNCLE Alex and some other guy instructor was DAMN GAY OKAY. They started giggling and laughing LIKE HOW GIRLS WOULD. Seriously lah! -.- we were all like HUH?!?!?!?! Because they just walked past each other and started bursting out in laughter! And guess what D: we had to do nan zhong quan okay! HAHAHAHHAA. Hern hern led us :D cd-er! :D I don’t know why wushu people didn’t go up instead. Hern looked like she was dancing Chinese dance okay! HAHAHA. But she did cders proud (:
Then Tracy checked our store and stuff. Made sure that we didn’t lose anything and all. And yes, we didn’t! :D everything was intact! So we didn’t have to pay for anything. Thank goodness Marshall found their tent if not they’d have to pay 93.50, if I’m not wrong. Because Sarah was going through the rest of the old receipts in the Elizabeth Choy record book and one watch lost their tent! :O and a lot a lot of stuff =/ damn scary. Lol.
Then after checking the store, we only managed to do trust dive which was quite fun. Diving into the mat was fun! It was super comfortable man! :D But I didn’t touch the bell ): No one did ): which was super sad because while we were having our morning circle, we could hear the other groups touch the bell ):
During morning circle, we wrote our journal cards again. Then it was time to share what we thought about the camp again. No one wanted to start so Tracy asked us questions instead. One of them being “When’s your highest point and lowest point?” My highest point and lowest point was all in one day. Thursday. Highest point: After kayaking. Knowing that I really did put in my best during kayaking, I didn’t feel any regret. And yes, I love being in water and I love kayaking (: I felt so accomplished because I felt that I really pushed my limits! Yeah. And I really achieved “mind over body”! :D Lowest point: During jetty jump. When Iskandar asked us to say what we’ll miss most about OBS ): because then the impact that we’ll be leaving really soon just hit me reallyreally hard ): but everything has to have an end. And what Tracy said was very true. Things should always end in a high note. Because if everything keeps dragging on, the highness will die down and we’ll all be filled with the bad memories and all. And I was saying that it’ll just be a new beginning, with all the new values, lessons and experience that we’ve all gained from OBS. I started crying halfway while talking about my lowest point just like how I did during twoten farewell talk ):
Chin Boon, the course director gave us a farewell talk. Then we took photos, with Tracy (: With the OBS logo! :D and more photos (: then it was really time to leave ): then hern came to us and she started crying because she said she missed laoshi. Omg then I started crying again. Lianghui and Bianca too. omg ): yes, I missed laoshi too ): ): ):
We missed taking the speedboat by one boat! D: but that’s fine because we already took it the first time :D so we took a super lao pok boat ): then I kept staring at the pulau ubin jetty. The further we were, the smaller it got. It just kept getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Then lianghui turned to talk to me and her eyes were red ): she was tearing already ): and I was like “omg lianghui are u tearing ):” and I started tearing too ): omg. Crying is so influential. I could feel lianghui’s body moving. She was hyperventilating lah. And that just made more and more of my tears come out. I didn’t want to leave pulau ubin ): I really didn’t want to ): but we didn’t have a choice.
Then when we reached land, I finally calmed down quite a bit. Then when we put our bags down on the grass, I started crying again omg D: me and lianghui D: Huiying, cher they all were so nervous! ): then teresa was like asking why me and lianghui were crying =/ I tried to hide behind cher D: and lianghui was like trying to hide her face. ):
Then the bus came and we all got up. By then, I cooled down already. Oh then Bianca’s mom was supposed to fetch her but then in the end her mom didn’t. lol so she got on the bus with us. She sat with sarah and me and lianghui sat with the rest of threetwelve from cher’s group: Cher, Huiying and Ping Hui. Kristie was supposed to be there but she wasn’t! Because she got away with her ice cream -.-
We reached school really soon.
And that was really the end of OBS.
12:20 AM
Sunday, March 04, 2007
OBS in ONE1 day!
i cannot believe time passed so fast D: it seemed like yesterday when it was 8 days away. one week really passed so fast. time really does FLY!
actually yesterday i was blogging halfway then my computer was lagging like shit so i decided to restart and save it as draft but errr nooooo blogger didnt save it as draft D: so after that i felt too lazy and i couldnt be bothered to blog again so i hecked D:
i really miss sec2 life ): twoten's sec2 life was so eventful, there'd be something happening everyday and it just kept us fresh, somehow. although many unhappy things happened and lots (oh yes really lots) of tears were shed, but still, it was the best year in my entired life. and i mean what i said.
i was really quite attituded in sec2. hahahaha. okay maybe i still am now D: but not as serious D: i think we all really toned down alot since sec2. i feel damn guai this year. i havent handed in any piece of hw late (apart from zuowen that time)! compared to last year... sunlao was actually pretty nice to not penalise us for handing in late. even if it was one week late =/
oh and although i think that having self-esteem is good, for some people -ahem- moumouren, it's bad. twoten/threetwelve people should know who i'm talking about (: i mean seriously lah. after ____ went for ____ ________, he became super whatever and everyone started to hate him. he was still okay before that okay. and we still kind of liked him when he didnt have hair D: omg you all should hear beehiang's story. it's super like WTF!
I'm So Tired ):
1:05 AM
Friday, March 02, 2007
i was looking through nana's phone images today and i saw all the 7ofus photos.
how i miss those times,
i really do.
i miss that cosy corner where we'd gather and talk/play stupid tititi games in the morning.
i miss taking retarded photos.
i miss being damn high.
i miss chatting and laughing all at the same time.
i miss being in the same class.
i miss walking up to the third level. (seriously it helps build stamina)
i miss sharing and passing food under the table in class.
i miss nana's sweets ):
i miss turning around and making faces at bianca.
i miss shouting across two tables (ziyan and sitong) to talk to nana.
i miss switching seats with other tenners just to sit with 7ofus.
i miss that warm and cosy feeling when we're all together.
i miss having prep. talks with youknowwho with you all ):
i can't believe i'm saying this but,
i really do miss sunlao quite a bit.
at least we knew she cared,
even if it wasn't obvious and sarcastic.
at least we knew she tried to accept us,
at least she tried to tolerate us as much as she could.
i miss seeing her around in school.
it's like another loss of entertainment
but i genuinely miss her.
12:44 AM
omg this story is so touching ):
it's 2 parts.
Part 1: 2:'s about children from disadvantaged families. Their emotions etc.
it's interesting (:
I'm not sleepy again. But i bet i will be tomorrow. It's always like that, it's really getting on my nerves ... -.-
12:29 AM
Thursday, March 01, 2007
i was so tired.
i was so dead in the morning. i was really thinking alot, and i was feeling alot too. i was actually feeling quite low. but i got alot better after recess (: seriously i only "woke up" at ten for the past few days. oh and oops i smuggled moomoo into class when susie was inside ._. there was still a bit left and i didn't know what to do because i didnt feel like walking all the way to the big bin (yes i was lazy) and the door was right in front of me D: so i just walked in... and finished my ice cream (: she didn't even realise. lol! oh and it's time to empty the bin tomorrow. it's like BURSTING. i have so much rubbish =/
during bio i was feeling damn irritating and i was irritating lianghui (like how she irritates me too) and i bet she felt damn irritated. wow so many irritating words :D hahahaha. but i seriously felt damn restless lah.
i feel damn bad. i always sleep during wulao's lessons lah D: because she doesn't scold =/ lol. but seriously i already tried my best to stay awake! D: my eyes just start closing by themselves =/ oh and i bet cher knows how i feel too (: hahahaha especially chem prac. i always feel like susie's putting me to sleep lah wth. then somemore im at the front row (WTF?!?!?!) yes, im index no. 5 -.- so i can't exactly sleep in front of her if not i bet she'll say some irritating stuff. oh but i always make faces to guenyik. HAHAHA.
then after school we waited for nana and bianca to finish math remedial (: and i ate moomoo :D stupid lianghui... cos i said my hand was feeling damn weak -.- and she stuffed the icecream into my mouth. i just knew something like that was gonna happen. anyway she got smeared with moomoo too so im okay with it (: if not she'll definitely not get away with it lah.
after nana and bianca finished remedial, we went to coro with the intention of buying shorts but the shop wasn't open lah omg D: then tomorrow we have dance D: how to buy D: stupid long sleeved shirts and pants -.- i dont have lah wth -.- oh then on the way back to school the bus uncle suddenly braked lah omg damn scary D: people were laughing at us -.-
okay lah i have to go do research analysis for LA already D: i'm so screwed i forgot to start researching just now lah -.-
toodles! (:
10:27 PM